Johnson is a pure theocrat. I believe one could tell him exactly why Barton is full of it, and provide overwhelming proof, and he would serenely persist in his error.
He is a danger to the preservation of the Constitution, and a menace for those who are of different, or no, faith.
I do not believe their Christian privilege deceives them. They never hesitate to Lie For Jesus. They want the church (or rather, their Dominionist definition of The Church) to run the government. Someone prove me wrong. Someone prove where people like Barton and Johnson follow the dictates of Jesus of Nazareth. Show me the receipts. Show me people (and animals which are also part of God's Creation) are fed and sheltered. Show me the love for one's enemies as well as one's friends. Show me the welcome for the stranger, the care for the sick, seeing to the needs of the widows and orphans, the ministering to the captive. Show me where you do these things in the name of our Savior, and show me how your Christian beliefs DROVE you to do these things.
Otherwise, you're just a person standing in a garage, declaring yourself to be a Cadillac.
Johnson is a pure theocrat. I believe one could tell him exactly why Barton is full of it, and provide overwhelming proof, and he would serenely persist in his error.
He is a danger to the preservation of the Constitution, and a menace for those who are of different, or no, faith.
I do not believe their Christian privilege deceives them. They never hesitate to Lie For Jesus. They want the church (or rather, their Dominionist definition of The Church) to run the government. Someone prove me wrong. Someone prove where people like Barton and Johnson follow the dictates of Jesus of Nazareth. Show me the receipts. Show me people (and animals which are also part of God's Creation) are fed and sheltered. Show me the love for one's enemies as well as one's friends. Show me the welcome for the stranger, the care for the sick, seeing to the needs of the widows and orphans, the ministering to the captive. Show me where you do these things in the name of our Savior, and show me how your Christian beliefs DROVE you to do these things.
Otherwise, you're just a person standing in a garage, declaring yourself to be a Cadillac.
Yes, animals are dying because the speaker of the house hung out with the modern day super-Hitler named David Barton.