I saw the film’s promo photo of Bonhoeffer holding a pistol and thought what Quatsch. Learning Metaxas is involved explains everything. Thanks for posting.

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I just listened to an interview with the director on Homebrewed Christianity. According to him, he did not base this movie on the Metaxas book, but through his own reading of Bonhoeffer and other sources. I was going to avoid the movie when I believed it was heavily influenced by Metaxas, but after listening to the interview, I have changed my mind. The director was quite emotional about the assumption he’d use Metaxas as a primary source.

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One reason people might think that is because Metaxas is wrapping himself in the movie and those involved in producing it are allowing it. See for instance, this event. https://www.instagram.com/ericmetaxas/reel/DAoQvgush4c/

Metaxas is a featured guest and is involved as if he's the expert. No wonder people think he's involved.

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The Museum of the Bible write up conflates Metaxas with the movie even more. https://www.museumofthebible.org/events/metaxas-bonhoeffer

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My educated guess is that these sites are getting money from Metaxas's publisher and the movie producers to write pieces like this. Almost any press surrounding film is a paid promotion. There are some eggheads who insist on reading "the book" before they see a movie (I don't know why) and this is the closest thing to it since it was written in 2020.

I find Metaxas to be a bit tedious, but he is not "far right". More amusing to me is these "86 relatives" -- none of them descendants -- getting all triggered about a movie. Movie screenplay writers have a storied history of caring about the story more than they do about history. Some Scottish guy said that the French princess who is portrayed as falling in love with Wm. Wallace in "Braveheart" was only like six years old when he died in real life. So yeah, no that affair didn't happen.

The truth is that Bonhoeffer was hanged for involvement in a failed assassination plot against mustache man. So they're going to put a Luger in his hand on the poster and call him an "assassin", although what he probably had in his hand more often was a Bible and, no, he wasn't really an assassin at all ever. But sure, kids, make Metaxas your target. He's had a few lunch and dinner engagements courtesy of your deceased great, great uncle whereas Hollywood is going to exhume him and dress him up in full badass for a revisionist feast that would make the vultures blush.

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For Metaxas and like minded.

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

It is impossible to shame them, for they have no shame. They have given themselves over to the worship of Mammon, in whatever its current incarnation. I'm sorry for this family, and all the families of all the people the "right" now pretends are on their side, since they are dead, and cannot refute.

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