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Listening to this right now on my walk and just gotta say - what this pastor is teaching is not rocket science, coming from being raised in evangelicalism in the UK. It’s what we were taught from the scriptures and historical context, and yet the UK (to an extent) still considers itself an explicitly “Christian” nation. Now isn’t that interesting. (It seems to me evangelicals overseas may have learned some things from history.)

Separately, I don’t think as a Christian I am required to keep someone in my life who ruins my twelve year old’s birthday party for Trump, and these conversations with MAGA should be had by those not emotionally or physically threatened by MAGA, first. Some of us have had threats from people claiming to be Christian, not just abuse (which is also unacceptable), simply for sharing our life experiences.

I had to report a doxxing to law enforcement after interacting with a pastor from PA (not the South fwiw). That’s something [MAGA] evangelicals cannot and must not be coddled for enabling and/or ignoring.

My biggest frustration with American evangelicals is they sent my parents out as missionaries, and when I come back, they seem very offended by my very existence having been an immigrant, if I share my perspective from it freely. (They don’t just make foreign immigrants unwelcome.)

I am called to love my enemies; I am not necessarily called to take abuse. Certainly not when kids are involved. I don’t think it’s a good example to let kids be exposed to hostile aggressive abusers. I am aware this MAGA thing does exist on a spectrum, but I have to add that caveat. Some of the worst evangelical MAGA adherents just want to “trigger” others, and for me that’s a time to shake dust off feet and move on freely.

It is really disturbing MAGA choose to be filled with anxiety at immigrants but have no concern for how many of the rest of us-and yes a good deal of us are Christians- many of us outside evangelicalism now feel we can’t trust Christian Nationalists with our lives, after MAGA behavior on January 6th.

Feel free to share this in your conversations: why would I worship or associate with anyone I don’t feel I can trust with my life? This moment is very serious. I’m glad for those who continue to reach out to MAGA, but many of us can’t. IMO evangelicals have a huge responsibility here.

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