So odd that he was walking on a two lane highway in the early morning hours, which was not his usual custom, apparently.

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I agree. He had an entire compound to walk in. The authorities are being unusually quiet about the circumstances and identity of the driver.

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and just a couple of weeks after the NZ office appears to have disappeared.

At least now the church itself is making no apology for leaving Pentecostalism behind to create a uniquely Yohannan style American Protestant Penta-Baptist-Anglo-Roma-Syrish-Catholicism. Why kiss rings when his top leaders can kiss the hem of his robes after he himself told them that he's styling himself on the Pope of Rome, complete with his own personal Vatican City? They rightly boast they own more land in India now than Rome! And their 5M followers in their 15k parishes with their 16 bishops (as per their website) will prove to the world in the 2021 census release that they are India's fastest growing new religion!

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and google maps indicates that there were no foot paths or street lights. One must feel bad for the driver at that time of the early hours of the morning!

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