One politician has been hidden, propped up and protected (Biden); never really being exposed to a critical electorate. The other has been rightly, relentlessly exposed to criticism and continues to win the confidence of a stubborn plurality. We have always had a complete view of Trump, with multiple opportunities to dump him, and have not. We finally got a tiny window into the mind of Biden, now we can make an more informed decision. What does it mean that the Democratic party knew his disabilities and lied about it? RFK asked, "Who are the people with lanyards around their necks that have been making the real decisions at the WH?" Citizens deserve to be informed before they vote; now we have more of the facts, which is why people are freaking out.

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I hope you'll come visit me in the gulag, David

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I am sure you will be safe and sound, if not I will break you out! Any thoughts about the above comment...it makes several worthy points.

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I didn't watch, but from what I've read, TFG did his own personal version of a Gish Gallop.

They are both too old. However, I will still choose Democracy over Chaos...for as long as the Supreme Court allows it to exist.

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As a Canadian I watch, pray and can’t believe what is happening.

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Totally agree. But we are now all delusional. It will never happen.

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This is the best option yet. Let’s start over.

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