I have no problem with a prayer team for either side. My problem was paying to be a part of it. Biden's doesn't have that.
I also learned that some people did get in without paying, but that doesn't change that they used prayer to solicit funds, at least from those unlucky enough to get the notice I saw.
You must have BDS. There is a donate button but you don't have to donate to pray or join in. The solicitation sent to me required a donation to join in. See the difference?
Let's see...how much would I be willing to pay to prey...oops, pray, with Paula the Pilferer?
He (and his people) know their target audience. There will always be those who will pay any price to support someone who hates the same people they hate, or at least persuades them that he does.
Jesus would definitely be flipping tables here.
a simple google search would show that biden does the same.
your TDS is showing
Please enlighten me about Biden's Faith Advisory Board that charges people to join them on a information/prayer call.
google biden prayer team
and you may have been misinformed about Trumps site, as i don’t think you must donate to be in on the call.
I have no problem with a prayer team for either side. My problem was paying to be a part of it. Biden's doesn't have that.
I also learned that some people did get in without paying, but that doesn't change that they used prayer to solicit funds, at least from those unlucky enough to get the notice I saw.
biden has a donation request button, same as trumps.
trumps site did not require a donation, same as biden’s. sorry you didn’t see that. like i said, TDS.
good for the goose, good for the gander. equal justice for all.
You must have BDS. There is a donate button but you don't have to donate to pray or join in. The solicitation sent to me required a donation to join in. See the difference?
please go to trumps site yourself rather than believing what someone sent you….it may have been altered.
when i went to trump’s site, one was not required to donate.
investigate your sources, especially in this day and age.
Let's see...how much would I be willing to pay to prey...oops, pray, with Paula the Pilferer?
He (and his people) know their target audience. There will always be those who will pay any price to support someone who hates the same people they hate, or at least persuades them that he does.
That looks very similar to other solicitations that use WinRed (which has its own issues). Do you know if the donation website used is WinRed?