So we can't even look forward to Barton's retirement - his son will be carrying on the deception for him. As with so many of these cases, the thing that is most troubling to me is how willing people are to believe what I think is now safe to call a lie, particularly Christians. As long as something tracks with their preferred narrative, they seem willing to ignore the details of it's source. Study to show thyself approved, I think not.

This is particularly worrying when it comes to homeschooling materials which I understand often feature Barton's nonsense. Homeschooling is a dicey practice at best with so many unqualified people teaching more about belief systems than basic knowledge and how to think critically. We need to investigate ways of ensuring that these people who want to homeschool at least have the necessary background to offer these children a decent chance in life.

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Great article and analogies. The most interesting thing about this evangelical movement is the lack of credentials of "historians" and many pastors with no seminary training. Awaken Church in San Diego is spewing forth all kinds of hatred amd politics from the pulpit. The messages also contain anti Semitic tropes that are not recognized by many of it's flock. Military style men's retreats. Bilking the church goers of money so that unqualified "pastors" can go on luxury trips. Conspiracy theories from the pulpit. And of course, a link to Wallbuilders on the website. Part of C3 family, rebranded after the scandal, they are intent on "taking territory" by planting more and more satellite churches and campuses across the US.

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Great article!

Like they used to say on the old Laugh In show - socket to me !


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