Johnson (is he related to Andrew?) is the perfect choice for today's Republicans He is a young earth creationist, a science denialist, a vaxhole, he believes women are nothing but brood mares, a supporter of sedition, says that COVID is a hoax, and of course, is willfully ignorant of American history, preferring the vomitus of David (I Lie For Jesus) Barton. I look forward to the next few weeks, finding out what other lovely qualities he possesses.
And don't forget that this supposedly pious conservative Christian is fully onboard with another presidency of a man who is a proven rapist, an unrepentant serial adulterer, an inveterate liar, a bigot, a racist, and an incessantly abusive narcissist, not to mention someone who is profoundly ignorant and often dismissive of those same Christian values Johnson professes to uphold (not that he does).
All anyone has to do is get a copy of The Jefferson Bible to understand how far he was from the Christian faith and why he was perhaps the phoniest fraud and hypocrite of all the Founders. It's free online or can be purchased in a very faithful facsimile by the Smithsonian that replicates how he cut the Bible apart with scissors and pasted together what he liked, as per the publication notes: "The Jefferson Bible, or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth as it is formally titled, was Thomas Jefferson's effort to extract what he considered the pertinent doctrine of Jesus by removing sections of the New Testament containing supernatural aspects as well as perceived misinterpretations he believed had been added by the Four Evangelists."
As soon as I saw Johnson linked with Barton, I came running over here LOL. You taught me so much! Thanks for the pre-order link - I just did. Politico also has an interesting long-form type article on Johnson and Barton in interview format with Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez. Here’s a link if you haven’t seen it. I’ll check back tomorrow.
Johnson (is he related to Andrew?) is the perfect choice for today's Republicans He is a young earth creationist, a science denialist, a vaxhole, he believes women are nothing but brood mares, a supporter of sedition, says that COVID is a hoax, and of course, is willfully ignorant of American history, preferring the vomitus of David (I Lie For Jesus) Barton. I look forward to the next few weeks, finding out what other lovely qualities he possesses.
And don't forget that this supposedly pious conservative Christian is fully onboard with another presidency of a man who is a proven rapist, an unrepentant serial adulterer, an inveterate liar, a bigot, a racist, and an incessantly abusive narcissist, not to mention someone who is profoundly ignorant and often dismissive of those same Christian values Johnson professes to uphold (not that he does).
All anyone has to do is get a copy of The Jefferson Bible to understand how far he was from the Christian faith and why he was perhaps the phoniest fraud and hypocrite of all the Founders. It's free online or can be purchased in a very faithful facsimile by the Smithsonian that replicates how he cut the Bible apart with scissors and pasted together what he liked, as per the publication notes: "The Jefferson Bible, or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth as it is formally titled, was Thomas Jefferson's effort to extract what he considered the pertinent doctrine of Jesus by removing sections of the New Testament containing supernatural aspects as well as perceived misinterpretations he believed had been added by the Four Evangelists."
As soon as I saw Johnson linked with Barton, I came running over here LOL. You taught me so much! Thanks for the pre-order link - I just did. Politico also has an interesting long-form type article on Johnson and Barton in interview format with Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez. Here’s a link if you haven’t seen it. I’ll check back tomorrow.